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France Declares Economic And Social Emergency

France have declared a national emergency after French President Francois Hollande announced the country had been plunged into a “state of economic and social emergency”, involving a €2 billion plan to try and revive France’s failing economy. “Due to the threat of terrorism in the past, we had to introduce a state of emergency. But amid global chaos and an uncertain economic environment, it’s appropriate to talk about a state of economic and social emergency. Employment is the most important question after the security of French citizens,” Hollande said on Monday.

Iran: We Are Preparing For Arrival Of Mahdi, Armageddon

A top Iranian Commander has issued orders to prepare 200,000 young men across the Middle East to prepare for the arrival of the Mahdi, the prophesied redeemer of Islam who will usher in justice across the region before the Day of Judgment, or armageddon, arrives.  Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari said the surge in violence across the Middle East, including the rise of ISIS, was a sign of the arrival of the messianic Muslim leader.
