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Stunning Drone Footage Depicts Syria's Dying Capital

In late October, we brought you what we called “haunting” drone footage of the devastation in Syria, where five years of bloody conflict has cost the country both its population and its cultural heritage.

“The civil war has been going on four years. What is now left of Syria?,” Die Presse asked President Bashar al-Assad in a December interview.

If they talk about the infrastructure, much of it is destroyed,” Assad responded.

Hillary's Lead Disintegrates: She Is Now Doing Worse Than In 2008, As Trump Surges

Hillary's Lead Disintegrates: She Is Now Doing Worse Than In 2008, As Trump Surges

Just when Hillary Clinton thought her political fiascoes would be the worst of her ongoing troubles as she glides through the Democrat primaries, and then takes on Trump sure to find a Warren Buffett-funded victory, suddenly everything appears to have gone wrong in what is most important to the scandal-ridden former Secretary of State and presidential contender: her second - and final - campaign for president.

Ash Carter: US Sailors Made ‘Navigational Error’ Into Iranian Waters

The US Secretary of Defense said on Thursday that the US sailors who trespassed into Iranian waters had made a “navigational error.” Ashton Carter said the information came from debriefings of the sailors, who were flown on Wednesday to a U.S. military facility in Qatar after Iran released them along with their two riverine boats. Press TV reports: “The information that they have given us, and through their commanders is that they did stray accidentally into Iranian waters due to a navigation error,” the Pentagon chief said in an interview with Univision on Thursday.

GOP Reaps What Was Sown

Since the 1960s, the Republican Party has sought out and corralled the angry white vote which was back-lashing against the civil rights movement and black progress. But now that disaffected base is turning on the wealthy GOP elites and no one should be surprised, writes Michael Winship. By Michael Winship Now, On May 21, 1946,…

Ex-NSA Director Says America Has Too Many Secret Hacks

Former director of the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), Michael Hayden says that the U.S. keeps too many cyber-attacks secret. The retired U.S. Air Force four-star general said in an interview that the government and businesses keep cyber attacks a secret for their own reasons and that the country is ill prepared to deal with the ever increasing threat from hackers.
