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Marco Rubio Thinks It Is OK For Israel To Spy On The US But Not For The US To Spy On Israel

Marco Rubio Thinks It Is OK For Israel To Spy On The US But Not For The US To Spy On Israel

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"They Want To Occupy Poland Again" - Merkel, European Union Compared To Nazis In Latest Diplomatic Spat

"They Want To Occupy Poland Again" - Merkel, European Union Compared To Nazis In Latest Diplomatic Spat

Ever since the Polish Law and Justice party (PiS) party won elections in October on a Eurosceptic platform, relations between the formerly staunchly pro-Europe Poland, and the European Union have been on a sharp downhill slide, and earlier today they hit a rock bottom when Poland's justice minister dismissed an EU commissioner's criticism of new media regulations as "silly" in a confrontational letter which according to Reuters, "marked a low in the new government's relations with the bloc and the commissioner's home Germany."

Peaceful Muslim Woman Kicked Out Of Donald Trump Rally

A 56-year-old American Muslim woman wearing a Hijab and a T-shirt with the logo: “Hello, I come in peace” was thrown out of a Trump campaign event in South Carolina by police. She had made a peaceful silent protest by standing up and revealing her Self. The Telegraph reports: Rose Hamid, 56, stood up during the Republican frontrunner’s speech in Rock Hill when he suggested that Syrian refugees fleeing war in Syria were affiliated with the Islamic State.

Germany In ‘Total Shock’ As Proof Emerges Of U.S. Support Of ISIS

The Russian Ministry of Defence has reported that German Air Force commanders have been left in “total shock” after uncovering evidence that the United States is cooperating with ISIS and helping them to steal oil from Syria and Iraq.  According to commanders, two Luftwaffe Tornado jets armed with suveillance equipment flew a three hour flight over Iraq and Syria to gather intellience. During the flight, they were able to verify nearly 12,000 ISIS tankers and trucks  carrying stolen oil with the full protection of US and Turkish air forces.

Executive Order Allows Doctors To Declare Activists ‘Mentally Ill’

The White Houses’s new executive order on gun control will allow doctors to report activists as being ‘mentally ill’ to authorities in order to have their guns confiscated.  The new rules allow doctors and health providers to do background checks on people without legal repercussions. “The disclosure is restricted to limited demographic and certain other information needed for NICS purposes,” the rule states.
