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Iran Defies Obama, Orders Expansion Of Missile Program

Earlier today, we outlined Washington's plan to slap new sanctions on Iran in connection the October test-firing of Tehran's next generation, surface-to-surface ballistic-missile Emad. 

Although the launch itself apparently didn't violate the letter of the nuclear deal, it did violate a UN ban on developing missiles capable of carrying nuclear weapons. That triggered an outcry from some members of Congress who feel that the Emad launch amounted to a slap in the face for both the US and Israel considering the ink is barely dry on the nuke accord.

Is Trump Winning? - Don't Show Hillary (Or Bernie) This Chart

As the fervor of the US Presidential campaign begins to heat up, it appears - despite all the hand-wringing and prosecution of the status quo - that the incumbents are losing... and losing large. According to Bloomberg's Consumer Comfort survey, Republicans are near the most confident relative to Democrats since Obama was re-elected.



While "America's Goebbels" explains what 'you' should think about anyone against political correctness, it appears rage against the machine is 'winning' for now.


Charts: Bloomberg

Government Propagandist-In-Chief Condemns Political Incorrectness As "The Furthest Thing From Brave"

Some have called Cass Sunstein "America's Goebbels" since he sugggested that the government "formally hire credible private parties to engage in counterspeech," and was engaged by President Obama as 'Information Tzar'. So today's op-ed from the government's propagandist-in-chief, condemning those who choose to push back against political correctness, should be read with a Bernaysian perspective as Sunstein attempts to delegitimize any and every effort to argue against the government's view of the world.

Obama To Hit New "Friend" Iran With Fresh Sanctions Over Contested Ballistic-Missile Program

Spot what’s wrong with the following sentence: “The Obama administration is preparing to impose its first financial sanctions on Iran since it forged a landmark nuclear agreement in July.”

That’s from WSJ and it underscores how truly absurd the relationship between Washington and Tehran has become. Just as the US is preparing to lift crippling international sanctions against Iran in connection with the country’s nuclear program, The White House is set to slap new sanctions on the country to punish the Iranians for advances in ballistic-missile development.

Switzerland To Arm Itself In Response To World War III Fears

Switzerland’s Chief of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General André Blattmann, has requested that the Swiss army re-arm themselves due to fears of “hybrid wars” escalating to a World War III scenario.  Blattmann says the very real threat of a World War III primarily stem from Turkish President Erdogan, and his recent declaration of being leader of the entire Islamic world. The Lieutenant says this has the potential to cause a global conflict between Russia and the West, and if Erdogan gets his way, the Ottoman Empire will be resurrected.
