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Presstitute Ranks Expand

Presstitute Ranks Expand

Now the ranks of Washington’s presstitute propagandists include Sybil Edmonds, whom I supported to the hilt during her persecution by Washington, and Cobett, whose Corbett report I gave many hours on interviews. Now the two are carrying on Washington’s propaganda against RT and Putin, and are accusing me of “Putin worship” because I report the facts.

Washington Has Added Ukraine To The Long List Of Countries Destroyed By Washington

Washington Has Added Ukraine To The Long List Of Countries Destroyed By Washington

The criminal thugs who comprise the government of the United States have now destroyed Ukraine, adding another scalp to their 21st century collection of scalps from Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Palestine, Lebanon, Greece, Ireland, Portugal, and large parts of Syria and Pakistan.

The American military/security complex has grown mega-rich at the expense of a vast proportion of mankind.

Amnesty International is just another purveyor of Washington propaganda

Most people don’t realize that Amnesty International is just another purveyor of Washington propaganda. The organization then uses the propaganda is spreads in order to fund raise.

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