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Emails Reveal Bill Clinton Met With Vladimir Putin Just Before Uranium One Deal

Emails Reveal Bill Clinton Met With Vladimir Putin Just Before Uranium One Deal

If President Trump or anyone even remotely close to his presidency, including his best friend from 2nd grade that he hadn't seen in 40 years, sought to meet with key Russian nuclear officials, in Moscow, just months before the federal government approved a very controversial deal handing Vladimir Putin 20% of U.S. uranium reserves, despite an ongoing investigation into Russian fraud, bribery, extortion and money laundering, it would be the only story played on a 24 x 7 loop on CNN and MSNBC.

Ron Paul Rages At The Decades Of Wars' Damage To The American Economy

In a new interview with host Jesse Ventura at RT, former presidential candidate and House of Representatives Member Ron Paul discusses the harm imposed on the American economy by the succession of US wars over the last few decades, from the Korean War onward, that drain money away from prosperity-building activities in America.

“Just think if all the money we have spent overseas since World War II ended, if that money had been left in this country to let wealth grow,” proposes Paul.


Gold Star Widow Releases Trump's Call: "Tell Your Children I Said Their Father Was A Great Hero"

Gold Star Widow Releases Trump's Call: "Tell Your Children I Said Their Father Was A Great Hero"

As the imbrogilio over President Trump's private call to the widow of Sgt. David Johnson killed in action in Niger continues to torment, The Daily Caller's Henry Rodgers reports Gold Star widow Natasha De Alencar released the audio of a phone conversation she had with President Donald Trump in April about the death of her husband who was killed in Afghanistan.

You Think You're Free, Catalonia? Think Again, Spain Says

You Think You're Free, Catalonia? Think Again, Spain Says

You Think You're Free? Think Again, Spain Says, Begins Preparations to Crack Down on Catalan

Written by Nathan McDonald, Sprott Money News



Governments all over the world need control: they need control over "their" people, they need control over "their" money supply, and through this control they can grow their power and ability to dictate our everyday lives.


