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A Political Realignment Is Necessary – The Real Struggle Is Liberty Vs Authoritarianism

A Political Realignment Is Necessary – The Real Struggle Is Liberty Vs Authoritarianism

Authored by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

Until the American public ceases bickering amongst itself along Democratic and Republican or “left” vs. “right” lines, we’ll continue to be divided and conquered by authoritarians who wield tremendous power throughout both sides of the traditional political spectrum.

What Do Hillary, Uranium One, And An FBI Bust Of A Deep Cover Russian Spy Network Have In Common?

What Do Hillary, Uranium One, And An FBI Bust Of A Deep Cover Russian Spy Network Have In Common?

In 2010, shortly after Hillary Clinton assumed her position as Secretary of State in the Obama administration, the FBI broke up a deep-cover Russian spy ring that had been operating in the U.S. for decades.  The operation, code named "Ghost Stories," was a huge bust for the FBI that handed the U.S.

Can Trump Drive A Wedge Between Saudi-Russian Alliance?

Can Trump Drive A Wedge Between Saudi-Russian Alliance?

Authored by Zainab Calcuttawala via,

Together, Russia and Saudi Arabia produce a fourth of the world’s oil. The laws of competitive international commodity trading have pit the two petrostates on opposite poles of the U.S.-Russia geopolitical rivalry. But a new era of American oil exports and ailing national budgets is pulling Moscow and Riyadh together in trying financial times.

Gold, Yen Jump After Reports Yellen Returns To The White House (For Lunch With Gary Cohn)

Gold, Yen Jump After Reports Yellen Returns To The White House (For Lunch With Gary Cohn)

Update: Reuters reports a White House spokesperson confirms Yellen is at The White House for lunch with Gary Cohn - nothing out of the ordinary.

Yellen odds fell back to 24% from 30%.

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You know it's a quiet day when...

Gold is up, USDJPY down, TSY yields tumble after reports that Janet Yellen is back at The White House following her 30 minute meeting with President Trump yesterday...

Bloomberg reports:
