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US Destroyer Carrys Out Trump's 4th "Freedom Of Navigation" Operation In South China Sea

US Destroyer Carrys Out Trump's 4th "Freedom Of Navigation" Operation In South China Sea

In a provocation that’s sure to raise eyebrows in Beijing, a US Navy destroyer on Tuesday sailed within 12 miles of Parcel islands in the South China Sea in what appears to be the first US “Freedom of Navigation” operation in two months.

Reuters reports that the USS Chafee, a guided-missile destroyer, challenged “excessive maritime claims” near the Paracel Islands, among a string of islets, reefs and shoals over which China has territorial disputes with its neighbors. The operation is believed to be the fourth of its kind to take place since Trump took office.

Bannon On GOP Establishment: "We're Coming After All Of Them And We're Going To Win"

Bannon On GOP Establishment: "We're Coming After All Of Them And We're Going To Win"

Last night on the Sean Hannity show, Breitbart executive chairman and former Trump chief strategist Steve Bannon doubled down on his previously announced "war on the Republican establishment" vowing to, among other things, "challenge every Republican incumbent except for Ted Cruz" in the upcoming mid-term election cycle.

America: The Dictatress Of The World

America: The Dictatress Of The World

Authored by Jacob Hornberger via The Mises Institute,

On July 21, 1821, John Quincy Adams, who would go on to become the sixth president of the United States, warned that if America were ever to abandon its founding principle of non-interventionism in foreign affairs, she might well become the dictatress of the world.

Adams issued his warning in a speech he delivered to Congress, a speech that has gone down in history with the title “In Search of Monsters to Destroy.”

Trump Summons Generals To War Room After Hawaii Students Get "In The Event Of A Nuclear Attack" Email

Trump Summons Generals To War Room After Hawaii Students Get "In The Event Of A Nuclear Attack" Email

Here is what not to do when addressing your student population at a time when tensions with a nuclear-armed adversary are running at fever pitch: send an email to the student population with the subject title "in the event of a nuclear attack." Unfortunately for hundreds of students at the Aloha State school, that is precisely what they got in the inboxes on Monday, and as the NY Daily News notes, the message sent Cold War-style shivers down the spines of those not accustomed to the "duck and cover" drills of the 1950s, which in this day and age of pervasiv
