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Robert E. Lee’s Ubiquitous Presence

Robert E. Lee’s Ubiquitous Presence

Paul Craig Roberts

We are going to have to do far more than take down Robert E. Lee’s statue.

We have to close the US Military Academy at West Point. Not only was Lee a West Point graduate, but in 1962 the U.S. Army named the West Point barracks after Robert E. Lee. Two New York congress persons want to change the name of the barracks, but we can’t be satisfied with half-way measures. The entire institution is tainted. And so is the U.S. Army. We have to close down the Army also.

Harvey Could Bankrupt The Federal Flood-Insurance Program

Harvey Could Bankrupt The Federal Flood-Insurance Program

Hurricane Harvey may solve the auto industry’s inventory problem. But right now, it's about to create a giant headache for the federal government.

Based on the latest estimates from Irvine, California-based CoreLogic, insured flood losses for homes in the affected areas of Texas and Louisiana could total between $6.5 billion to $9.5 billion. Since private insurers typically don’t provide personal flood insurance, all but $500 million of that will fall to the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s National Flood Insurance Program, or NFIP.

Kelly Looks to Oust Omarosa from White House for TRIGGERING Trump with News

Content originally published at

The head leaker in chief at the NY Times, beneficiary of her father's 40 yr career at the paper, Maggie Haberman reported yesterday that Trump and his new chief of staff, John Kelly, are grinding each other's gears -- citing an incident where the President publicly humiliated Kelly in front of staff.
Source: NY Times

Trump Asks That $8 Billion Harvey "Down Payment" Be Added To Debt-Ceiling Bill

Trump Asks That $8 Billion Harvey "Down Payment" Be Added To Debt-Ceiling Bill

Shortly after President Trump backed away from his demand that $1.6 billion in funding for his border wall be included in a continuing-resolution bill to avert a government shutdown, the White House late Friday sent a request for $8 billion in emergency funding for the Hurricane Harvey cleanup effort, and asked that the money be tied to a bill to raise the US debt-ceiling limit. Trump’s request that the two legislative priorities be combined in one bill likely won’t go over well among Congressional Republicans, according to Bloomberg.

The Stranded ISIS Bus Convoy That No One Knows What To Do With

The Stranded ISIS Bus Convoy That No One Knows What To Do With

In a bizarre twist to an already unusual story, a convoy of 17 buses carrying Islamic State terrorists and their families has remained stranded since Thursday in the Syrian desert as the US, Russians, and Syrians discuss their fate: attack the convoy or allow it to pass? Regardless of what happens, emerging photos and video depicting ISIS' retreat from Lebanon as well as their current helpless plight stuck in the middle of Syria constitutes perhaps the most significant blow to ISIS propaganda to date.
