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A Danger of Giving FBI Agents Quotas on Domestic Terrorism and White Supremacy Related Crime

Sometimes police will be given quotas for ticketing drivers. Results of the pressure put on cops to meet their ticket targets tend to include that many drivers are pulled over and ticketed for minor infractions that would be better overlooked or based on dubious or fabricated grounds. Is a similar quota system, with expectable similar results, developing now in regard to “domestic terrorism” and “white supremacy” related crime at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)?

New York Keeps Third Party Candidates Off the Ballot

In the November election, Republican and Democratic candidates for New York governor will face no opposition on the ballot from any third party candidates. The reason is not that nobody desires to run as a third party candidate. Instead, third party candidates were unable to meet the state government’s newly-imposed increased number of signatures required on ballot access petitions. Tim Williams provides details in a September 6 article at Spectrum News 1.

Simone Gold, Fighter for Medical Freedom

Simone Gold is a fighter for medical freedom. Many Americans first learned of her when in July of 2020 Gold, who founded America’s Frontline Doctors, spoke along with other doctors at a Washington, DC press conference. The doctors challenged the coronavirus party line that had been pushed relentlessly in America over the preceding few months. That press conference, at which Gold spoke first among the doctors and served as the master of ceremonies, was a refreshing breakthrough of the voice of dissident doctors challenging the coronavirus crackdown and the accompanying propaganda campaign.

Scott Ritter’s Show — Conversations with Russians to Improve Understanding between America and Russia

Scott Ritter’s Show debuted this week — at a time when it is much needed. Big money media is painting Russia as an archvillain, the United States Congress and president are imposing sanctions on Russia while sending weapons and other aid to Ukraine in order to kill Russians, and the US Secretary of State is steadfastly avoiding pursuing diplomatic efforts to improve US-Russia relations.
