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presidential election

New Russia Sanctions Unveiled By US Senators

A bipartisan group of US senators have introduced legislation to impose sweeping new sanctions against Russia over its alleged attempts to interfere in the 2016 US presidential election. Among the bill’s co-sponsors are warmongering Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham, both critics of the President-elect Donald Trump. Five Democrats and five Republicans unveiled the new sanctions this week just days after the intelligence community released a declassified version of a report accusing Russia of meddling in the election.

These Are The Top Global Risks For 2017 According To The World Economic Forum

These Are The Top Global Risks For 2017 According To The World Economic Forum

Ahead of next week's Davos meetings organized by the World Economic Forum, in which the world's top politicians, financers, and celebrities will mingle, today the WEF released its annual report on what it believes are the top global risks for 2017.

For those who would prefered to just focus on the charts, please skip this part.  For the rest, and especially those pressed for time, and unable to read the 78 page report, here is the exeutive summary:

NYT Accuses CNN, BuzzFeed Of Peddling "Fake News" Over Russia Report

In a fascinating retort by the left-leaning NYT to the story of the day, namely the CNN-BuzzFeed narrative based on an unverified 35-page memo allegedly prepared by a UK intelligence officer, even "the paper of record" takes the two media outlets to town, and in an article titled "BuzzFeed Posts Unverified Claims on Trump, Stirring Debate" essentially accuses them of doing what CNN has accused so much of the 'alternative media' in doing when distributing "fake news."

Here are the key excerpts:
