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Republican Confidence Soars To 9 Year Highs As Democrats' Comfort Crashes

Republican Confidence Soars To 9 Year Highs As Democrats' Comfort Crashes

US Consumer Comfort soared to it highest since August 2001 according to Bloomberg latest survey, with confidence among those earning over $100k at its highest in history.

However, the most notable finding of the survey is the massive divergence between Republicans and Democrats as the former have not been more comfortable since January 2008 as the latter plunges to levels seen in 2013.


Former CNN Host Does Not Regret Feeding Clinton Debate Questions

Former CNN Host Does Not Regret Feeding Clinton Debate Questions

Former CNN host Donna Brazile has finally admitted that she handed the Hillary Clinton campaign debate questions during the primaries last year.  Brazile says that she has absolutely no regrets in rigging the primary debate against Bernie Sanders, in an conceited essay penned for Time. The former CNN Democratic analyst passed questions to members of Clinton’s inner circle during the last stages of the 2016 election, and was only caught after Wikileaks released emails proving she had done so.
