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Tucker Carlson Takes on Idiot Huffpo Columnist Over Russian Hacking Claim

Robert McElvaine has been a busy little bee on Huffington Post, fomenting strife, disunity and complete horseshit, following the electoral college win by Donald J. Trump.

Let's review some of his recent 'work' and then segue over to Tucker Carlson's debate with the good Professor, attempting to get to the bottom of this great big Russian ordeal.

Source: HuffPo

How Putin Would Be Able to Control Trump

Angry Dems Play The Blame Game Over Hillary Loss As the Infighting Escalates

Angry democrats are lashing out at anyone and anything they think contributed to Hillary's loss while vehemently igoring the simple fact that Hillary, and her many scandals, were the unilateral reason for their crushing defeat.  Be that as it may, it is far easier to blame some combination of Bernie Sanders, Putin, James Comey, "Fake News", Julian Assange, White Supremacists, The Electoral College, Jill Stein...and the list goes on and on.

Of course, as we recently noted, Obama has decided to focus his blame on Fox News and other "fake news" outlets.

The Fake News Witch Hunt: McCarthy’s Red Scare Redux

The Fake News Witch Hunt: McCarthy’s Red Scare Redux

Hold your real assets outside of the banking system in one of many private international facilities  --> 





The Fake News Witch Hunt: McCarthy’s Red Scare Redux

Posted with permission and written by Dave Kranzler (CLICK HERE FOR ORIGINAL)



“Good night and good luck.” – Edward R. Murrow

