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The Differences Between Kasich and Rubio

The Ohio and Florida primaries are tomorrow, but the prospects of the respective “favorite sons” in these states couldn’t be more different. According to the most recent NBC and CBS News polls, Kasich is either leading by several points or tied with Trump for the lead in Ohio, while Rubio trails Trump by more than twenty points in Florida and in the CBS poll even falls behind Cruz into third place at 21%.

Democracy, Be Damned - The "Sea Island" Conspiracy Reveals The Deep State

Submitted by Patrick Buchanan via,

Over the long weekend before the Mississippi and Michigan primaries, the sky above Sea Island was black with corporate jets.

Apple’s Tim Cook, Google’s Larry Page and Eric Schmidt, Napster’s Sean Parker, Tesla Motors’ Elon Musk, and other members of the super-rich were jetting in to the exclusive Georgia resort, ostensibly to participate in the annual World Forum of the American Enterprise Institute.

A Sea Island Conspiracy?

Over the long weekend before the Mississippi and Michigan primaries, the sky above Sea Island was black with corporate jets.

Apple’s Tim Cook, Google’s Larry Page and Eric Schmidt, Napster’s Sean Parker, Tesla Motors’ Elon Musk, and other members of the super-rich were jetting in to the exclusive Georgia resort, ostensibly to participate in the annual World Forum of the American Enterprise Institute.

Among the advertised topics of discussion: “Millennials: How Much Do They Matter and What Do They Want?”

The GOP’s Race to the Rules

Republican leaders have given Donald Trump a ferocious pounding over the past week, and have come away with very little to show for their efforts. The Republican front-runner matched or outperformed his polling in the states voting last night, while establishment favorite Marco Rubio saw his support collapse. As anxious anti-Trump eyes turn towards the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, the RNC’s rules are turning against them.
