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Chinese Scientists Warn North Korea's Nuke Test Site At Risk Of Imploding, "Releasing Many Bad Things"

Chinese Scientists Warn North Korea's Nuke Test Site At Risk Of Imploding, "Releasing Many Bad Things"

Earlier we showed the shocking satellite images showing numerous landslides aound the mountain that is North Korea's nuclear test site, and it appears Chinese officials are also keeping a very close eye on the region, instigating "emergency monitoring" for radiation leaks as the former chairman of the China Nuclear Society warns of the potential for a massive environmental disaster.

"We Can Barely Keep Up" - Prepper Panic-Buying Begins As WWIII Fears Grip America

"We Can Barely Keep Up" - Prepper Panic-Buying Begins As WWIII Fears Grip America

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

As is often the case, most people wait until the last minute to prepare for the worst.

As reported by CBS Detroit, one Army Surplus store owner reports that preparedness equipment is flying off the shelves:

“We’ve been very busy. Unusually busy, I’d say,” Orr told WWJ’s Sandra McNeill. “It’s definitely an increase, just in selling all the normal prepper stuff, end of the world stuff. A lot of water prep stuff, food, MREs — the military meals.”


Fukushima Remains "A Nuclear Radiation Nightmare", In Pictures

Fukushima Remains "A Nuclear Radiation Nightmare", In Pictures

"This is an accident that does not exist in the past tense, but in the present progressive form," exclaimed Fukushima Gov. Masao Uchibori earlier in March, criticizing Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe for not explicitly the disaster in his annual speech. “It’s not possible to avoid using the important and significant terms of the nuclear plant accident of nuclear power disaster.”

NBC News Writes "What Should You Do In Case Of Nuclear Attack?"

NBC News Writes "What Should You Do In Case Of Nuclear Attack?"

With Project Gotham Shield concluding today, which as a reminder is a joint agency exercise involving FEMA, Homeland Security and various other law enforcement and military agencies as a response is tested for a “simulated” nuclear detonation over Manhattan, Fox 5 updates that Federal authorities are running nuclear response drills at MetLife Stadium in northern New Jersey.
