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Report: Millions Of Cancer Deaths Expected From Fukushima

Millions of Japanese citizens could be at risk of dying from cancer as a result of the increasing amount of radiation pouring out of Fukushima.  According to a shocking report originally published by Fairewinds Energy Eduction (FEE), “Cancer on the Rise in Post-Fukushima Japan,” one million citizens in Japan were thought to be at risk of developing thyroid cancers as a result of the meltdown. That report based its conclusions on the the fact that scientists had understood the radiation levels at the reactor to be around 73 sieverts per hour.

Fukushima Now So Deadly Even Robots Cannot Survive

Radiation levels inside reactor No. 2 at Fukushima are now so dangerously high that even robots cannot survive inside.  A remote controlled robot sent in to the reactor had to be pulled out after it malfunctioned due to the extreme radiation levels. According to reports, radiation levels are now at 650 sieverts per hour – almost 10 times the amount recorded right after the meltdown occurred. reports: “I had hoped that the previous results were wrong,” a government source told The Japan Times.

“Unimaginable” Radiation Levels Detected At Fukushima

Radiation levels have reached what experts have called an “unimaginable” intensity inside the containment structure of reactor No. 2 at the Fukushima nuclear facility The facility’s operator, Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco) say that the level of radiation measured inside the reactor is 530 sieverts per hour, which is more than 100 times the intensity needed to kill most humans who are exposed for just a brief time. An official of the National Institute of Radiological Sciences said medical professionals have never considered dealing with this level of radiation in their work.

Fukushima Radiation Could Kill More People Than Originally Believed

Exposure to radiation pouring out of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant could kill far more people than scientists originally believed.  According to a report by the National Institute of Radiological Sciences, exposure to 4 sieverts of radiation would kill up to 50% of the Japanese population. Scientists say that the radiation at the damaged reactor at Fukushima is calculated at 530 sieverts – 132% more.

Radiation Levels Hit Record High At Fukushima Reactor

The Fukushima nuclear power plant’s (NPP) operator has detected extremely high radiation levels at a damaged reactor at the Fukushima power plant in Japan. Radiation levels that are lethal after brief exposure were found inside the second reactor on Thursday Tokyo Electric Power Company also found a  hole which was likely caused by melted nuclear fuel was also discovered at the reactor.
