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The Trump Regime Is Insane

The Trump Regime Is Insane

Paul Craig Roberts

Is it insane to push for war with Russia, a major nuclear power?
Is it insane to threaten Russia and bring false charges against her?
Is it insane to brag about killing “hundreds of Russians”?

A normal person would answer “yes” to the three questions. So what does this tell us about Trump’s government as these insane actions are the principle practice of Trump’s government?

American Officials Continue to Make Laughing Stocks of Themselves

American Officials Continue to Make Laughing Stocks of Themselves

Paul Craig Roberts

Here is “Mad Dog” Mattis, the US Secretary of War, stating that he has no evidence that there was a chemical weapons attack in Syria last week, but that he personally believes that there was one.

I remember when a person who claimed to believe something for which there was no evidence was either a religious fanatic or an ideologue. No serious person would express a conviction when there was no evidence to support it.

We are in the Last Days before all Hell breaks loose

We are in the Last Days before all Hell breaks loose

Last days of Pompey?  I was just there last week and I saw the future, not the past. To anyone watching the UN Security Council “debate” last night it is crystal clear we are in the last days before all hell breaks out. So, here we are at Judgment Day, and there surely will not be one soul out on Pennsylvania Avenue to raise an anti-war placard. The tattered remains of the American peace movement is rotten to the core. — Gilbert Doctorow

Russia: The Spurned Lover Who Persists

Russia: The Spurned Lover Who Persists

Paul Craig Roberts

Is the Russian Foreign Ministry so brainwashed that it believes the US is a democracy?! A country in which 90%, if not more, of the people are dispossessed is a democracy?! A country ruled by a handful of private interest groups is a democracy?! The success of Washington’s propaganda is extraordinary. Even the Russian government believes it.
