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Watch Live: Sally Yates Gets Her Shot At Revenge; Offers Testimony On 'Russian Hacking' Allegations

Watch Live:  Sally Yates Gets Her Shot At Revenge; Offers Testimony On 'Russian Hacking' Allegations


Both Yates and Clapper deny ever being an anonymous source in press reports:

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Paul Craig Roberts: 'Sauron' Rules In Washington

Paul Craig Roberts: 'Sauron' Rules In Washington

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

“The problem is that the world has listened to Americans for far too bloody long.” - Dr. Julian Osborne, from the 2000 film version of Nevil Shute’s 1957 book, On the Beach

A reader asked why neoconservatives push toward nuclear war when there can be no winners. If all die, what is the point?

The answer is that the neoconservatives believe that the US can win at minimum and perhaps zero damage.

Sauron Rules in Washington

Sauron Rules in Washington

Paul Craig Roberts

“The problem is that the world has listened to Americans for far too bloody long.”  — Dr. Julian Osborne, from the 2000 film version of Nevil Shute’s 1957 book, On the Beach 

A reader asked why neoconservatives push toward nuclear war when there can be no winners. If all die, what is the point?

The answer is that the neoconservatives believe that the US can win at minimum and perhaps zero damage.
