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What Obama Means By “The Russian Threat”

What Obama Means By “The Russian Threat”

Paul Craig Roberts

What does Obama mean when he alleges Moscow “continues to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.”

He does not mean that Russia is a threat in the ordinary meaning of the word. To understand what Obama means by threat, it is necessary to understand what is the foreign policy of the United States. The foreign policy of the US is to establish American hegemony over the world.

Trump Says He Is Open To Lifting Russia Sanctions, Won't Label China Currency Manipulator "On Day One"

Trump Says He Is Open To Lifting Russia Sanctions, Won't Label China Currency Manipulator "On Day One"

In his first full interview of the new year, President-elect Donald Trump explains his approach to foreign policy from a "realpolitik" lens, when he told the WSJ overnight that relations with China and Russia will depend on the degree to which the two countries cooperate with U.S. economic, diplomatic and military priorities. 

Confirmed: "Unknown" Republican, Democrat Paid For Anti-Trump Report

Having learned previously both the identity of the former British intelligence officer who compiled the "Trump dossier", revealed by the WSJ earlier this week as former MI-6 staffer Christopher Steele, currently director of London-based Orbis Business Intelligence, and that John McCain was the person who delivered the report to the FBI, one question remained: who commissioned the original report meant to uncover a material,i.e., campaign-ending, weakness in Donald Trump's past.

'Bipartisan' Senate Intelligence Committee To Probe Russia-Campaign Contacts

Hours after WaPo reports anonymous sources claiming Trump's national security adviser Flynn contacted Russian officials, and Politico details Hillary's dealing with Ukrainian officials, the Senate Intelligence Committee announced in a statement that it will launch an inquiry to look at any links between Russia and individuals associated with U.S. political campaigns as part of bipartisan inquiry into Russia and cyber activity.

Full Statement: Joint Statement on Committee Inquiry into Russian Intelligence Activities
