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What Obama Means By “The Russian Threat”

What Obama Means By “The Russian Threat”

Paul Craig Roberts

What does Obama mean when he alleges Moscow “continues to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.”

He does not mean that Russia is a threat in the ordinary meaning of the word. To understand what Obama means by threat, it is necessary to understand what is the foreign policy of the United States. The foreign policy of the US is to establish American hegemony over the world.

Russia and China are large countries determined to remain sovereign and not fall under Washington’s vassalage. As Russia and China are immune from American invasion and have the capability to destroy the entirety of the United States with nuclear weapons, both countries are capable of standing up to Washington when Washington’s pursuit of hegemony conflicts with their national interests.

In other words, both Russia and China are constraints on US unilateralism. This is what Obama means when he says Russia is a threat to the foreign policy of the US.

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