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Oil Prices Should Fall, Possibly Hard

Oil Prices Should Fall, Possibly Hard

Submitted by Art Berman via,

Oil prices should fall, possibly hard, in coming weeks. That is because fundamentals do not support the present price.

Prices should fall to around $30 once the empty nature of an OPEC-plus-Russia production freeze is understood. A return to the grim reality of over-supply and the weakness of the world economy could push prices well into the $20s.

Erdogan Vows To Help Ukraine Fight Russia And Return Crimea

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has threatened to support Ukraine’s fight against Russia by helping Ukraine to take steps in removing Russian occupation.  “Turkey did not recognize the illegal annexation of Crimea and is not going to do either,” Erdogan said in a joint press conference with Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko in Ankara. reports: According to him, Russia violated international law in this matter. “Mr President (of Turkey) supported the joint steps aimed at the de-occupation of Crimea.

Oil Fundamentals Could Cause Oil Prices To Fall, Fast!

Oil Fundamentals Could Cause Oil Prices To Fall, Fast!

Submitted by Artrhur Bermann via,

Oil prices should fall, possibly hard, in coming weeks. That is because fundamentals do not support the present price.

Prices should fall to around $30 once the empty nature of an OPEC-plus-Russia production freeze is understood. A return to the grim reality of over-supply and the weakness of the world economy could push prices well into the $20s.


A Production Freeze Will Not Reduce The Supply Surplus
