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Syria: US Should Tell Turkey & Saudi Arabia To Stop Funding Terrorists

The political and media adviser  to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has said it is now time for the US to put pressure on Turkey and Saudi Arabia to stop supporting the terrorists that are wreaking havoc in Syria. According to Press TV, Bouthaina Shaaban made the remarks during an interview with the Lebanon-based al-Mayadeen television channel on Tuesday, a day after Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that “the main part” of the Russian forces would start to withdraw from Syria. “The ball is now in the United States’ court and the next step will be American pressure on Turkey and Saudi Arabia to stop funding terrorists and stop the flow of weapons,” Shaaban said. “It is very possible to close the borders and keep out mercenaries,” she added. Saudi Arabia and Turkey, along with other allies including Qatar, have time and again been implicated in providing financial and logistical support for the Takfiris in an effort to bring down the Syrian government. Referring to Russia as any “ally and friend” that has based its relations with Syria on respect and “consultation”, she noted that the partial Russian troops withdrawal does not mean they “cannot return.”