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Putin “Pleased” That Leonardo DiCaprio Will Play Him In New Movie

Russian President Valdimir Putin is said to be “pleased” at the idea that Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio might play him in an upcoming movie.  Spokesman Valery Karpov for Russian film production company “Lenfilm” said in a recent interview that they would be interesting in having the US actor for a new film project. reports: “It is always interesting to create films. Leonardo DiCaprio is often compared to Lenin in his youth. We have plenty of scenery and props to recreate the era of the revolution,” he said. Earlier, DiCaprio told Welt am Sonntag that would be interested in playing Russian President Vladimir Putin, Grigory Rasputin or Vladimir Lenin. Film director Vladimir Bortko also expressed his desire to work with the US-based actor. “DiCaprio is a good actor. He can play whomever he wants. I would love to shoot him if he invited me as a director,” said Vladimir Bortko. DiCaprio said in one of his interviews that he was very much fascinated by the history of Russia. In December, he exposed his Russian accent that many found “very sexy.” “I think there should be more films about Russian history because it has many stories worthy of Shakespeare. That is [...]