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DOJ Clears FBI Informant In Clinton-Era Russian Bribery Scandal To Testify

DOJ Clears FBI Informant In Clinton-Era Russian Bribery Scandal To Testify

Update (8:40 pm ET): The FBI informant who helped the Justice Department secure a conviction against the top official from the US subsidiary of Rosatom, the Russian atomic energy agency, but was blocked by the Obama Justice Department from testifying about Russian efforts to bribe and extort their way into possession of North American uranium assets - a process which was cleared by both Hillary Clinton's State Department and Robert Mueller's FBI - has as of moments ago been cleared to testify, the Justice Department announced on Wednesday e

China's Rise, America's Fall

China's Rise, America's Fall

Via Golem XIV's blog,

Will the rise of China mean the fall of America?  In a word, yes. Although decline might be more accurate.

Why do I think this?  Because China is about to launch the PetroYuan and when it does the demand for dollars and for dollar denominated debt will shrink. When it does, I question whether the world will be so sanguine about the level of debt that America carries. If that happens then the value of the dollar is in question.

Former Podesta Group Executive Says Firm Peddled Russian Oligarchs All Over DC With Paul Manafort [VIDEO]

Former Podesta Group Executive Says Firm Peddled Russian Oligarchs All Over DC With Paul Manafort [VIDEO]

Content originally published at

Tucker Carlson gave an explosive monologue last night after a former executive of the Podesta Group contacted the Fox host with "direct personal knowledge" of a report that former FBI director Robert Mueller's Special Counsel is investigating the Washington Lobbying firm founded by John and Tony Podesta.

India 'Elites' Mimic Washington: Claim Russian 'Twitter Troll' Is Backing Opposition Party

India 'Elites' Mimic Washington: Claim Russian 'Twitter Troll' Is Backing Opposition Party

Authored by Andrew Korybko via Oriental Review,

The US-Indian Strategic Partnership has rapidly evolved to such a point that the Indian government is now obliquely hinting that Russian twitter trolls are backing the country’s opposition leader, showing that New Delhi is willing to say and do anything in order to further ingratiate itself with Washington even if this means demolishing its decades-long relationship with Moscow.
