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San Franciscans Pissed To Learn Their Liberal Policies Caused A Wave Of Restaurant Failures

San Franciscans Pissed To Learn Their Liberal Policies Caused A Wave Of Restaurant Failures

In a note that we'll file away under the definition of 'irony', Bloomberg wrote today that the fun-loving, free-spirited socialists of San Francisco are suddenly really pissed off that their liberal economic policies have resulted in a wave of restaurant failures, making it nearly impossible to find good food at an 'affordable' price. 

We would be pissed too...who could have guessed that artificially raising wages well above market supported rates would result in business failures?

Serendipia Nest: From Boarding House to Border-less Nation

Serendipia Nest: From Boarding House to Border-less Nation

Via The Daily Bell

Does a nation have to be location based? What if one house in San Francisco, one city block in South America, and a villa in Asia were all part of a decentralized nation?

What would make it a nation? A unique culture. A set of values. Mutual aid. Even its own currency.

That is the ultimate goal of co-founder of Serendipia Nest, Jean-Loïck Michaux, or as his friends call him, J-LO.

Moscow Furious Over US Plan To Search Russia Trade Mission, Calls It "Unprecedented Aggressive Action”

Moscow Furious Over US Plan To Search Russia Trade Mission, Calls It "Unprecedented Aggressive Action”

Yesterday, the San Francisco fire department scrambled a team of firefighters to the city's Russian consulate (scheduled to be vacated today in the latest tit-for-tat diplomatic escalation between the US and Russia) following reports of "blowing smoke" emerging from the building, only to learn that the Russians were engaged in what appears to have been some last minute confidential document "redaction."

Maria Zakharova, the spokeswoman for the Russian foreign ministry, explained that the smoke was part of a “mothballing” according to Reuters.

Lauren Southern Banned From Patreon For Conservatism While Horse-Stabbing Antifa Just Fine

Lauren Southern Banned From Patreon For Conservatism While Horse-Stabbing Antifa Just Fine

Content originally published at

Crowdfunding site Patreon banned conservative Canadian journalist, author, and YouTube sensation Lauren Southern without notice late last week - denying her thousands of dollars of monthly income following her involvement with an activist group in the Mediterranean.
