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Social Issues

American College of Pediatricians: ‘Transgenderism In Children Is Child Abuse’

The American College of Pediatricians has issued a statement condemning the liberal acceptance of “transgenderism in children”, claiming that it amounts to child abuse and causes disease and lifelong psychological problems.  The statement draws from scientific fact to list eight arguments on why gender reclassification in children is harmful, and backs President Trump’s decision to revoke federal guidance to schools to let children use whichever bathroom they want.

UMich Students Demand 'No-Whites-Allowed' Safe-Space To Plot "Social Justice" Activism

UMich Students Demand 'No-Whites-Allowed' Safe-Space To Plot "Social Justice" Activism

Submitted by Mason Clark via,

A student activist group at the University of Michigan is demanding campus officials provide them with “a permanent designated space on central campus for Black students and students of color to organize and do social justice work.”

The demand is one of several lodged by “Students4Justice,” who this month ratcheted up campus demonstrations to pressure administrators to cave, complaining in a newly launched petition that President Mark Schlissel has snubbed their demands.

British Police Are Not Taking Child Sex Abuse Seriously -Report

Children who report violent and sexual crimes are not being taken seriously by UK police according to Britain’s victims’ commissioner Baroness Newlove warned that authorities are failing young people who come forward with stories of violent or sexual abuse making them feel like criminals themselves. In a review due to be published on Wednesday she found children and teenagers were made to feel like criminals themselves, accused of wasting police time or simply not believed.
