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Social Issues

University Of Washington Claims Proper Grammar And Spelling Is Racist

Expecting Americans to use proper grammar and spelling is racist, according to the University of Washington’s latest press release. In order to not be racist, teachers at the liberal university must allow students to use “non-standard spelling” (previously known as incorrect spelling) and accept that the idea of “proper grammar” is a racist concept that has been used to restrict opportunities and privileges, according to Washington University’s Writing Center.

Hundreds Of Violent Inauguration Rioters Indicted On Felony Charges

The crackdown on George Soros incited protests has begun, with over two hundred rioters indicted on felony charges after smashing up shops and injuring police in downtown Washington during violent protests during and after President Donald Trump’s inauguration. According to reports, 214 of the most violent rioters have been indicted so far, with hundreds more expected to be charged as law enforcement moves to punish the ringleaders, including celebrities who incited violence and chief organizer and domestic terrorist Bill Ayers – who just so happens to be a good friend of Barack Obama.

Dallas Police Pension Board Approves Benefit Cuts; Asks For More Taxpayer Money To Avoid Collapse

Dallas Police Pension Board Approves Benefit Cuts; Asks For More Taxpayer Money To Avoid Collapse

For the past several months we've warned that the taxpayers of the City of Dallas, despite all of the tough talk coming out of their elected city council members, would ultimately be forced to bail out the failing Dallas Police and Fire Pension (DPFP) system.  And just last night the DPFP board voted 9-0 to approve a plan that would do just that. 

New Study Finds That Trump's Immigration Crack Down Could Cost $5 Trillion In GDP Over 10 Years

New Study Finds That Trump's Immigration Crack Down Could Cost $5 Trillion In GDP Over 10 Years

Earlier today we wrote about the impacts that Trump's immigration policies may have on the U.S. housing market (see "Could Trump's Immigration Ban Cause Another Housing Crash?"), but that's just the beginning of the story.  No matter where you come down on the immigration debate, like it or not, there are millions of low-skill jobs in this country, particularly in the Southwest, that our pampered, snowflake millennials wouldn't touch with a 10-foot pole and are thus filled by "undocumented" workers primarily from Mexico and other portions of South America. 
