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Social Issues

Rents Set To Keep Rising After Depressed Multfamily Starts, Permits

Rents Set To Keep Rising After Depressed Multfamily Starts, Permits

Unlike recent months when the Census Bureau reported some fireworks in the New Housing Starts and Permits data, the April update was relatively tame, and saw Starts rise from an upward revised 1,099K to 1,172K, beating expectations of a 1,125K print, mostly as a result of a 36K increase in multi-family units which however remain depressed below recent peaks from early 2015, which will likely stoke even higher asking rents, already at record highs across the nation.


America's Borderline Personality Is "Dangerous To Itself & Others"

America's Borderline Personality Is "Dangerous To Itself & Others"

Submitted by Howard Kunstler via,

If the Obama Justice Department was really honest about its “guidance” on transgender bathrooms, it would have stated clearly a requirement to provide a new, separate, third category of bathroom or changing room for people identifying themselves as transgender. This would have given such persons a safe, private place to perform their necessary bio-functions without making the other two categories of people, male and female, uncomfortable.

Barbara Boxer Meltdown Exposes Deep Divisions In Democratic Party

"Let's hear it for Hillary Clinton," exclaimed Sen. Barbara Boxer, losing her cool after Bernie Sanders' supporters "bullied" her at the Nevada Democratic convention on Saturday. As BizPacreview reports, Boxer took the Las Vegas stage to raucous boos as her attempt to unify what is obviously as deeply divided a Democratic party as the mainstream would have everyone believe the Republican party is. "I'm for Hillary Clinton and she's for all of us,” she yelled. "Keep on booing and boo yourselves out of this election."
