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South America

CIA Officer Uncovers ‘Proof Hitler Faked His Own Death’

Veteran CIA officer Bob Baer has accessed 700 pages of newly declassified information and claims that it proves Adolf Hitler “faked his own death” and then “fled to South America in a submarine via Tenerife”. Bob Baer – assisted by US special forces sergeant Tim Kennedy, who was involved in the capture of Osama Bin Laden – explained: “The narrative the government gives us is a lie.

Why Has The White House Suddenly Released A Strategy For Dealing With A Catastrophic Meteor Impact?

As's Mac Slavo notes, we should take notice at the government preparations for disaster, and the possibility of a cataclysmic collision with damaging objects in space.

At the same time, we should take notice at what they are preparing for with all the billions of dollars thrown at defense and survival, it comes in secretive infrastructure for a reclusive sect of power, and in top-down plans to contain the unrest.


End Of The US Empire? Russian Warships Just Arrived In The Philippines

Submitted by Darius Shahtahmasebi via,

Notable American foreign policy critic and linguist, Professor Noam Chomsky, has stated numerous times that the United States’ power has steadily been declining since the end of World War II. As Chomsky notes, in 1945, the United States had “literally half the world’s wealth, incredible security, controlled the entire Western Hemisphere, both oceans, [and[ the opposite sides of both oceans.”
