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South America

Edgar Cayce’s Prediction Unfolds – Antarctica Splitting Open

A giant crack opening up across Antarctica confirms a prediction made by psychic Edgar Cayce who said the Earth would go through major changes in the coming years. According to Cayce, the presence of the 130 kilometer crack is a precursor to massive earth changes that will see the destruction of the west coast of America. Cayce predicted: “The earth will be broken up in many places. The early portion will see a change in the physical aspect of the west coast of America. There will appear open waters in the northern portions of Greenland.” “There will be seen new lands of the Caribbean Sea.

NASA: Lost Civilization May Exist Beneath Antarctica

Photo’s released by NASA appear to vindicate the conspiracy theory that an ancient civilization exists beneath the Antarctica ice sheets. The huge icy continent is thought to have once been home to the Lost City of Atlantic over 12,000 years ago, when large parts of Antartica were ice-free. Photo’s released earlier this year from NASA appear to verify these claims, as images taken by NASA’s Operation IceBridge mission show what internet detectives to be a lost underground city.

Trump Reignites China Diplomatic Spat, Says Not Bound By "One China" Policy

While the domestic US audience was focused on what Trump would say about the latest scandal of alleged Russian intervention in the US presidential elections, which as a reminder, he called "ridiculous" and suggested that democrats are behind the report, China was more curious by Trump's foreign policy thoughts, which may have sparked yet another diplomatic spat, because one week after Trump snubbed America's long-running "One China" policy, today the President-elect questioned whether the United States had to be bound by its long-standing position that Taiwan is part of "one China" and brus

Ayahuasca Brew Fights Alzheimer’s And Down Syndrome – Study

A breakthrough scientific study suggests that a hallucinogenic drink from South America called Ayahuasca contains a substance that stimulates the generation of human neural cells. The native South American brew Ayahuasca stimulates the brain and helps fight Alzheimer’s and Down syndrome, according to a new study. reports: Ayahuasca has been studied before for its ability to fight depression, but in the latest research, published in PeerJ, one of the main substances present in the drink, harmine, was exposed to human neural cells.
