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The USA’s Attempt To Destroy Syria Was Planned In 2003

The U.S. government were pushing for a war with Syria as early as 2003, Congress documents reveal.  Former US Secretary of State Colin Powell demanded that Syria sever its connections with organisations aiding Palestinians pursuing self-determination on May 2, 2003 – threatening the government with military action if they did not comply. In September 2003 the US Under Secretary Of State John Bolton warned that Syria may be pursuing a WMD program, urging the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee that action needed to be taken.

Not Everyone Is Escaping Aleppo, Some Liberated Residents Celebrate

The western media is drawing a miserable picture about civilians fleeing Aleppo in Syria as government forces encircle the city and liberate parts of it. According to veteran French journalist and geopolitical analyst Jean-Michel Vernochet some residents of Aleppo warmly received their liberators after suffering years of civil war. The duplicity of the Western-Arab coalition against ISIS/Daesh is beginning to come to light following Russia’s involvement in Syria and the success of the Syrian army.

Russian Prime Minister Warns There Will Be A "Permanent World War" If Saudis Invade Syria

Russian Prime Minister Warns There Will Be A "Permanent World War" If Saudis Invade Syria

"It’s a joke. We couldn't wish [for] more than that. If they can do it, then let them do it — but talking militarily, this is not easy for a country already facing defeat in another war, in Yemen, where after almost one year they have failed in achieving any real victory.”

That’s what one source in the Iranian military had to say about reports that Saudi Arabia is preparing to send ground troops into Syria.

Compare Mike Whitney’s Truthful Account Of Syria With The Disinformation Published By The Washington Post

Compare Mike Whitney’s Truthful Account Of Syria With The Disinformation Published By The Washington Post


Turkey Is waging A War Against Syria And Iraq

Turkey is effectively waging a war against Syria and Iraq due to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s policies towards the two country, says Stephen Lendman – American author and radio host.  Erdogan has accused the U.S. of creating a “pool of blood” in the region due to its support of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) and its military wing, People’s Protection Units (YPG), in an anti-Syrian speech on Wednesday. “Hey America! We know these [organizations] very well.
