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Israeli Officials Call For Sectarian Partition Of Syria

Senior Israeli officials have called for the partition of Syria along sectarian lines. As reports accuse Israel of supporting Takfiri militants wreaking havoc in the Arab counrty, the director general of Israel’s Intelligence Ministry Ram Ben-Barak, says the proposed breakup was “the only possible solution” to the conflict in Syria Press TV reports: “I think that ultimately Syria should be turned into regions, under the control of whoever is there – the Alawites where they are, the Sunnis where they are,” Ben-Barak told Israel’s Army Radio on Sunday.

Washington's Dismal Comedy Of Terrors - When In Doubt Bomb Syria

Submitted by Jeffrey St.Clair via,

Poor ISIS. Try as they might, the men in black still can’t out-terrorize their enemies or, more pointedly, even their patrons. For the past three years, decapitations have served as the money shots for ISIS’s theater of cruelty. Then on New Year’s Day the Saudis upstaged ISIS by audaciously chopping off the heads of 47 men, including a prominent Shia cleric.

Paul Craig Roberts: The Neoconservatives Are Brewing A Wider War In Syria

The Neoconservatives are brewing a wider war in Syria. Paul Craig Roberts: While you are enjoying your Sunday, the insane neoconservatives who control Western foreign policy and their Turkish and Saudi Arabian vassals might be preparing the end of the world. Any person who relies on Western media has no accurate idea of what is happening in Syria. I will provide a brief summary and then send you to two detailed accounts. The neoconservative Obama regime set-up the Syrian government headed by Assad for overthrow.

Iran Announces It’s Full Support For Syria As WW3 Tensions Mount

Iran have declared their unwavering support for Syria, saying that they will fully support Syria as both Saudi Arabia and Turkey threaten to topple Assad. Iran’s Air Defence commander, Brigadier General Farzad Esmaili, confirmed that Iran will provide Syria with any assistance Damascus request. reports: As regards the speculations on Saudi Arabia’s decision to deploy ground troops to Syria, the commander argued that any presence in Syria without coordination with the Damascus government will be doomed to failure.
