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Tillerson Warns Russia "Coalition Steps Are Underway To Remove Assad"

Tillerson Warns Russia "Coalition Steps Are Underway To Remove Assad"

VIX was being crushed and stocks were leaking higher just as planned, until Secretary of State Rex Tillerson hit the tape beating war drums and announcing a new US policy on Syria, just a week after he said the US had no interest in removing the Syrian president.

Specifically, Tillerson said that steps are underway to remove Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and that the U.S. is considering an "appropriate response" to the Syrian government's alleged use of chemical weapons.

Trump Tells Members Of Congress He Is Considering Military Action In Syria

It appears that the neo-cons are on the verge of victory again: according to CNN, Trump has told some members of Congress that he is considering military action in Syria in retaliation for this week’s chemical attack and recognizes the seriousness of the situation, a source familiar with the calls tells CNN.

Necons Demand Action in Syria, While Serious Questions Regarding the Chemical Attack Remain Unanswered

Necons Demand Action in Syria, While Serious Questions Regarding the Chemical Attack Remain Unanswered

Today, President Trump 'changed his mind' about Syria and Assad, due to the horrific pictures showing victims of a chemical weapons attack that killed dozens in the ISIS controlled city of Idlib. The media has been plastering one dead child after the next -- evoking emotional responses from people looking for a villain to bomb. On a much smaller scale, these are the same tactics that were used to draw us into the 9/11 wars, which still persist in all of their horrible, indecorous, calamity, 16 years hence.
