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Syrian army

Aleppo Victory... US And Its Crime Partners Suffer "Meltdown Of Sanity"

Submitted by Finian Cunningham via,

The US and its terrorist-sponsoring partners are seeing their criminal regime-change project in ruins, as the Syrian army and its allies win a spectacular victory to retake the strategically important city of Aleppo.

Western governments and their flunkies at the UN are cynically, perversely decrying a «meltdown of humanity».

Celebrations In Aleppo As City Is Liberated By Syrian Army

Aleppo has been officially liberated after the Syrian army ousted rebels from their remaining bastions in the eastern part of the city. 🇸🇾✌️Joy and excitement of the people in Aleppo tonight as they celebrate the Syrian Army victory after 4 long years of battle — M Green (@MmaGreen) December 12, 2016 Syrian forces made significant advances earlier on Monday leaving only three residential blocks in the hands of anti-government forces and hundreds of rebels laid down their arms and surrendered to the Syrian army.

With Assad On Verge Of Historic Victory, Syrian Rebels Request A Ceasefire

With Assad On Verge Of Historic Victory, Syrian Rebels Request A Ceasefire

After nearly six years, Syria's civil war started under Hillary Clinton's watch in March 2011 during the Arab Spring protest, is finally coming to an end.

The battle for one of the most contested Syrian cities during the war, Aleppo - which was Syria's most populous city before the war - is almost over and the "rebel forces" who live in the city eastern part, realizing they are on the verge of losing, have finally come to the negotiating table but it is too late.

Aleppo Civilians Seek Safety Of Syrian Army, Giving MSM A Headache!

The Syrian army is on the verge of fully liberating the “moderate rebel” stronghold of East Aleppo, causing a headache for western media, who have to report on the freedom of the city from years of war and tyranny through a biased perspective. A tale of two headlines Russia Insider reports: As the Syrian army continues to drive into the “moderate rebel” stronghold of East Aleppo, responsible western news outlets have been faced with the daunting, seemingly impossible task of turning the liberation of tens of thousands of civilians into a dark day for humanity.

Assad On Verge Of Biggest Victory Since Start Of Syrian War With Imminent Capture Of Aleppo

Assad On Verge Of Biggest Victory Since Start Of Syrian War With Imminent Capture Of Aleppo

The battle for one of the most contested Syrian cities in the nation's long-running civil war, Aleppo, is approaching its climax. According to Reuters, the Syrian army and its allies announced the capture of a large swath of eastern Aleppo from rebels on Monday - by some estimates as much as 40% of the militant held part - in an accelerating attack that threatens to crush the opposition in its most important urban stronghold.
