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Researchers Keep Lab Grown Human Embryo Alive for 13 Days

Researchers have broken the record for growing a human embryo in the laboratory and keeping it alive beyond the stage when it would naturally implant in a mother’s womb. The human embryo was grown in a lab  for twice the length of time previously possible in what has been hailed as a breakthrough that could “revolutionise” medicine…..but it also raises fresh ethical questions about when life begins.

Dark Matter Finally Detected By Scientists

Astronomers at Stanford University in California have finally found evidence for the existence of elusive dark matter – something that was, until recently, considered just hypothetical.  Dark matter accounts for approximately 27% of the mass and energy in the observable universe – and has remained invisible to scientists until now. The discovery was made by accident as astronomers examining a massive nearby galaxy found a strange distortion on its edge. The distortion, it turns out, was a smaller, invisible galaxy composed entirely of dark matter.

New Research Links Cell Phones To Cancer & Other Issues In Children

There has been plenty of evidence over the years suggesting a possible link between cell phone use and cancer and now researchers in Baltimore say the evidence is very clear and that children are even more at risk. Experts are saying parents and expecting mothers need to be extra careful and the Environmental Health Trust is calling on cell phone manufacturers and wireless providers to help fund research on how to treat and prevent exposure to radiation. CBS Baltimore reports: The studies link cell phones to a slew of health issues in children.
