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DNA May Now Be Stored In “Synthetic Fossils” Thousands of Years

Scientists in Switzerland have developed a method to “write” huge amounts of DNA information and a new way to store it. According to Reuters, the researchers plan to store the DNA information in “synthetic fossils” which could potentially survive thousands of years: In past centuries, books and scrolls preserved the knowledge of our ancestors, even though they were prone to damage and disintegration. In the digital era, most of humanity’s collective knowledge is stored on servers and hard drives.

More Evidence Of Mysterious Ninth Planet Near Edge Of Solar System

Scientists have found more evidence of a ninth planet sitting at the edge of our solar system. Objects have been spotted moving around unusually at the edge of our solar system. And according to one of the scientists who has argued that the hidden planet exists, the best explanation for the strange orbits is the huge mysterious Planet Nine The Independent reports: In January, a pair of scientists argued that they had found another planet, based on calculations using objects at the distant end of our solar system.

Ron Howard Admits Moon Landing Was Staged In Film Studio

For decades, people have debated whether the 1969 Apollo moon landing was real or fake. One of the most persistent theories is that we have never gone to the moon, but instead that the entire thing was filmed on a sound stage. While varying degrees of this myth have existed over time, a few key points to the alleged version of events stays the same: 1.) We never landed on the moon.

ISIS Release Video Threatening To Bomb Eiffel Tower

A new ISIS video warns the West that “vengeance is coming” to the people of Europe, showing the Eiffel Tower in Paris exploding and crashing to the ground.  The video, released this week on social media, promises to attack unexpectedly in cities across Europe, including: London, Berlin and Brussels. reports: The video begins with a river of blood pooling and dripping off a wooden table filled with stacks of American money, guns, knives and bullets. It’s ripped from a video game, as betrayed by the name of a video game designer with a U.S.

Microsoft Apologizes For Nazi-Loving, Sex Obsessed Twitter AI

As YourNewsWire recently reported, Microsoft was forced to take down an artificial-intelligence powered Twitter account of a chatbot called “Tay” after she became a 9-11 truth, nazi-loving, sex-obsessed monster. Now, as TechRadar reports, Microsoft is making some apologies for its (slightly frightening) new AI tech: Now, the Redmond, Washington-based company has apologized and offered clarification on the Tay experiment, down-turn and all, as well as how challenges like these fuel research for an improved Tay, as well as greater AI efforts.
