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Australia Develop Mind Control Device That Sits Near Your Brain

Researchers in Australia have developed the “holy grail” of biotechnology – a device that is capable of mind control in humans.  The device is the size of a paper clip, and it sits inside a blood vessel next to the brain. Researchers say the tiny device may help people with paralysis to walk again, amongst other things. reports: The stentrode, described as a “bionic spinal cord”, records brain activity and converts the signals into electrical commands.

Scientists Say Telepathic Influence Of People’s Dreams Is Possible

A psychology professor at a California University has claimed that “dream telepathy” is a very real phenomena – and that humans may have the ability to communicate telepathically with another person while they are asleep.  According to Stanley Krippner, professor of psychology at Saybrook University in California: A wealth of anecdotal and clinical material exist which supports the possibility of telepathic effects occurring in dreams (Krippner, 1974). However, an experimental approach to the topic did not become possible until psycho physiological laboratory technology became available.
