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GMO Scientists Admit To Intentionally Polluting DNA Of Animals

GMO scientists are now openly talking about deliberately modifying the DNA of wild animals in order to suit human ends, saying that “genetic pollution” is a desired goal, rather than a risk.  Successful laboratory tests have confirmed the ability to perform a GE technique known as “Crispr-Cas9″ – allowing scientists to alter genes in a cell and replace it with a gene of their choice, creating a hybrid animal as a result.

People Trust Search Engines More than Traditional Media for News

People Trust Search Engines More than Traditional Media for News

U.S. public relations firm Edelman polled 33,000 people in 28 countries, and found that people trust search engine results more than any other media:

QZ redid the graphic to make it easier to read:

Edelman also argues that search engines and the Internet have turned traditional power structures – and the sources of influence – on their head:

Robots & Artificial Intelligence Will Kill 5 Million Jobs By 2020

A report by the World Economic Forum warns that the rise of artificial intelligence, robotics and other technology will result in the global loss of five million jobs in 15  major economies by 2020 According to the report, the job loss predictions were “relatively conservative” and women will be worst hit RT reports: “As many as 7.1 million jobs could be lost through redundancy, automation or disintermediation, with the greatest losses in white-collar office and administrative roles,” the World Economic Forum stated in its ‘The Future of Jobs’ report released Monday.”The loss is predicted t

‘Alien Megastructure’ Mystery Deepens, Say Scientists

Scientists have said that the infamous ‘alien megastructure‘ on the star named KIC 8462852 still hasn’t yet been explained, despite efforts by a University to ‘dispel’ the alien theory.  Researchers say that their original idea that the strange dimming of the star was as a result of a giant alien megastructure harnessing its power, is still as valid today as it was weeks ago. A debunking theory by Massimo Marengo of Iowa State University claimed that the dimming was caused by a huge body of comets passing directly in front of the star, has itself been debunked by scientists.

Facebook: the new social control paradigm

Facebook: the new social control paradigm

Facebook has been cited as the prime reason for the recent American recession.  Facebook has spread faster than the ebola virus infecting even users without computers.  Children grow up in a world defined by Facebook.  This aggressive strain F1B1 is reprogramming human beings down to the last strand in their DNA.  As the previous generation had television programming, now we have Facebook programming.  
