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Meanwhile, In Lithium Markets...

Meanwhile, In Lithium Markets...

The last week - since China unveiled its hypocritical plan to ban petrol cars - has seen record inflows into Lithium-related funds.

Trading volumes have exploded higher and prices for LIT (the Lithium and Battery Tech ETF) are back to near 6 year highs.

h/t @EricBalchunas


Never one to miss out on an opportunity, LME is reportedly looking to introduce a contract for lithium (via

Facebook Promises To Censor All Material That Makes Zuckerberg Sad

Facebook Promises To Censor All Material That Makes Zuckerberg Sad

Earlier this morning, Facebook Vice President of Media Partnerships shared a new blog post on the company's website detailing precisely how they intend to censor content with which they happen to disagree.  Apparently all content providers who share "clickbait or sensationalism, or post misinformation and false news" will be deemed ineligible to monetize their efforts over Facebook.

What Could Go Wrong? New 'Robotic Smart Crib' Will Stop Your Baby Crying

What Could Go Wrong? New 'Robotic Smart Crib' Will Stop Your Baby Crying

Authored by Jake Anderson via,

Would you trust a robot to rock your baby to sleep?

The question likely elicits the chilling vision of a Terminator cradling your child. However, a new product - the Snoo - is, in fact, an automated crib, a high-tech bassinet perfectly calibrated to ‘swaddle’ infants and lull them into slumber. It’s an early entry of automated child care in an age that promises to integrate robotics into the daily fabric of human life.

So, back to the question at hand:

Cord-Cutting Accelerates, Sends Shock Wave Across Traditional TV

Cord-Cutting Accelerates, Sends Shock Wave Across Traditional TV

By Stock Board Asset

According to eMarketer, digital video consumption is on the rise leading to a seismic shift in the industry. Traditional TV viewers are expected to shrink nearly 10% by 2021 with the expectation of a sharp decrease of total media ad spending upwards of -30% reduction. Even in 2017, the trend is accelerating with eMarketer expecting a slowdown in ad spending, after 2016 benefited from the Olympics and U.S. presidential election.
