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Rally Hobbled As Ugly China Reality Replaces Japan NIRP Euphoria; Oil Rebound Fizzles

Rally Hobbled As Ugly China Reality Replaces Japan NIRP Euphoria; Oil Rebound Fizzles

It didn't take much to fizzle Friday's Japan NIRP-driven euphoria, when first ugly Chinese manufacturing (and service) PMI data reminded the world just what the bull in the, well, China shop is...

... leading to a 1.8% drop on the first day of February after Chinese stocks slid 23% in January with the nation’s manufacturing sector faces strong galewind challenges as the government plans to reduce excess industrial capacity and unleash troubling mass unemployment, while a weakening currency is spurring capital outflows.

What A Cashless Society Would Look Like

Submitted by Erico Matias Tavares of Sinclair & Co., and reposted from the original as of May 19, 2015 in light of the recent decision by the Bank of Japan to launch negative interest rates.

What A Cashless Society Would Look Like

Calls by various mainstream economists to ban cash transactions seem to be getting ever louder, while central bankers have unleashed negative interest rates on economies accounting for 25% of global GDP, with $5.5 trillion in government bonds yielding less than zero. The two policies are rapidly converging.

Forget About "Stocks For The Long Run"

Forget About "Stocks For The Long Run"

Submitted by Bill Bonner of Bonner & Partners (annotated by's Pater Tenebrarum),

No Shame in Cash

After a year of wandering the globe, we are back in the homeland… and ready to turn in our passport. Travel can be fun. It can also be “broadening.” But the most interesting thing about it is not so much what you find out about other places. It’s what you discover about your home.

Every Country Should Understand that the Main Purpose of a US Embassy Is Subversion

Every Country Should Understand that the Main Purpose of a US Embassy Is Subversion

If governments had comprehension, no country would permit an American presence of any kind,
not even a commercial presence.

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