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Inflation Expectations Around The Globe Just Hit Record Lows

Having seen what monetary-policy failure looks like in Japan.. and in the US, we now turn our attention to the world. Amid NIRP temptations, growth fears, and faltering faith in central banker control, market-implied inflation expectations have collapsed to record lows. Worse still, even The Fed's own survey of consumer's inflation expectations has slumped to record lows.

Inflation expectations are collapsing... (US and Europe at record lows - worse than the lows in the middle of the last crisis)...

As Bloomberg adds, while ECB policy makers have reiterated in recent weeks that they are committed to their mandate of boosting annual inflation rates to just under 2 percent, consumer-price growth is currently only about one-fifth of that level.

And The Fed is no better as all the money-printing, jawboning, and promises have left consumer expectations of inflation at record lows...


And finally - what we all have to look forward to... Japanese policy projects the impotence of the current efforts in US and Europe... it does not end well...


