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Trump Walks A Tightrope with Mideast Peace Plan

Authored by Tom Luongo,

For months I’ve been telling you that the framework for a Middle East Peace Plan is in process.

Donald Trump dropped a nuclear bomb on the world the other day by announcing the U.S. would recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, ending more than 50 years of virtue-signaling over what is, in fact, fact.

And right after that announcement Trump told the Saudi Arabians to end the blockade against Yemen.  And in less then a day Israelis went from cheering Trump’s name to being confused.

Greenwald: The U.S. Media Just Suffered Its Most Humiliating Debacle in Ages

 Greenwald: The U.S. Media Just Suffered Its Most Humiliating Debacle in Ages

Authored by Glenn Greenwald of The Intercept,

Friday was one of the most embarrassing days for the U.S. media in quite a long time. The humiliation orgy was kicked off by CNN, with MSNBC and CBS close behind, with countless pundits, commentators and operatives joining the party throughout the day. By the end of the day, it was clear that several of the nation’s largest and most influential news outlets had spread an explosive but completely false news story to millions of people, while refusing to provide any explanation of how it happened.

CNN Exposed As Propaganda Ministry For the DNC and Military/Security Complex

CNN Exposed As Propaganda Ministry For the DNC and Military/Security Complex

Glenn Greenwald, one of the few real journalists that still exist in the West, none of whom work for CNN or any of the US or European media, has given us the story of the latest mass lie told to the world by CNN.

Erdogan Calls Israel "Terrorist State That Kills Children", An Angry Netanyahu Responds

Erdogan Calls Israel "Terrorist State That Kills Children", An Angry Netanyahu Responds

Relations between Israel and Turkey took a sharp turn for the worse on Sunday after their leaders exchanged accusations of involvement in terrorism, days after the US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital. First, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he would fight against the controversial declaration, describing Israel as a "terrorist state" that kills children, in a speech in Istanbul.

The Seven Questions Goldman's Clients Have About "Rational Exuberance"

The Seven Questions Goldman's Clients Have About "Rational Exuberance"

In mid-November, just days after Barclays released its 2018 equity outlook with the title "Rational Exuberance"...

... Goldman's David Kostin decided that imitation was the sincerest form of unveiling a non-contrarian year-end forecast, and in presenting his revised S&P price target for 2018 of 2,850 - which accounts for GOP tax reform - "borrowed" the Barclays title for his own year ahead preview...
