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Back-To-Back Hindenburg Omens

Back-To-Back Hindenburg Omens

About a week ago, we warned about the infamous bearish stock market pattern developing in US equities coined by some as the ‘Hindenburg Omen’. The pattern is known for its bearish tendencies developed after the Hindenburg disaster of 1937. The key understanding is breadth deterioration, when more stocks hit 52-week lows than 52-highs. Since the warning, a liquidity gap has developed in stocks thwarting any attempt at new all time highs.

Another US Navy Warship Crashes

Another US Navy Warship Crashes

Over the summer there were two accidental collisions involving the 7th fleet, and a total of 4 similar incidents this year... until today as yet another US Navy warship collided with a Japanese tug boat during exercises. reports the incident occurred off the east coast of Japan. The boat was on its way to the port in Yokosuka, where the US Navy is stationed.

A Japanese tug boat has accidently damaged a US missile destroyer in Sagami Bay.

WTF Chart Of The Day: America's Youngest Child Brides & Grooms

WTF Chart Of The Day: America's Youngest Child Brides & Grooms

Between 2000 and 2015, at least 207,468 minors were married in the United States.

As Statista's Martin Armstrong notes, despite an overall fall in child marriage since 2000 (25,583 to 9,247), there are still a shocking number of young children legally married in the country. Only 14 percent married other minors, meaning 86 percent wedded an adult.

As the infographic below shows, the youngest to marry since 2000 were three ten year olds.
