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The Whiskey Rebellion: How Brand New America Tore Up The Bill of Rights

The Whiskey Rebellion: How Brand New America Tore Up The Bill of Rights

Via The Daily Bell

223 years ago today, “The Dreadful Night” occurred in Western Pennsylvania, after an uprising called The Whiskey Rebellion.

The United States was brand new. Soldiers who had fought for independence from Great Britain found themselves on opposite sides of a skirmish. Some were having their rights violated practically before the ink was dry on the Bill of Rights. Other Veterans of the Revolution were doing the oppressing at Alexander Hamilton’s behest.

For The First Time In A Decade, US Puts On 3 Carrier "Show Of Force" Next To North Korea

For The First Time In A Decade, US Puts On 3 Carrier "Show Of Force" Next To North Korea

Three US nuclear-powered Nimitz-class aircraft carriers representing nearly $30 billion of advanced military hardware put on show of force in the Western Pacific Ocean over the weekend, the first time three of the 100,000-ton behemoths have sailed together in a decade. Amidst heightened tensions with North Korea the USS Ronald Reagan, USS Nimitz, and the USS Theodore Roosevelt are currently engaged in a four day war games exercise which will link up with allies Japan and South Korea, who are also participating. 

'America First!' AWOL From Beijing, War With North Korea Looms

'America First!' AWOL From Beijing, War With North Korea Looms

Authored by James George Jatras via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

There’s no indication that President Donald Trump’s summit with China’s Xi Jinping achieved any breakthrough on North Korea. But why didn’t it? After all, Trump said that China could “fix” the North Korea problem “easily and quickly” and it was just a matter of Xi’s making up his mind to do so.
