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America's Lynch Mob 'Democracy'

America's Lynch Mob 'Democracy'

Submitted by Finian Cunningham via,

The dark, infamous days of American lynch-mob rule and burning witches at stakes are back as never before. But not in backwater enclaves of benighted bigotry. Oh no, the modern lynch mobs are running amok in Washington’s seat of government, across prime TV and on the editorial pages of its supposed finest newspapers.

Russian ‘Spies’ Kicked Out Of US Include Sick Kids And Pregnant Moms

So much for Obama’s claims to have expelled 35 Russian diplomats. It has been revealed that the Russian “intelligence operatives” kicked out of the US in retaliation for hacking the DNC include sick children, a pregnant woman and a chef. The December 29th decision by the Obama Administration to expel 35 Russian “diplomats” unleashed a storm of criticism in Russia. “Can you imagine how limited the amount of time it was and how urgently they needed to pack?” Nikolai Lakhonin, press secretary of the Russian Embassy in Washington, told LifeNews on Sunday.

After Getting Almost Nothing Right In 2016, Here Are Byron Wien's "Ten Surprises" For 2017

Having gotten virtually none of his "surprise" forecasts for 2016 right - among which that the S&P will decline (after it was supposed to rise by 15% in 2015 when it closed red for the year), the 10Y will not rise above 2.50%, Hillary Clinton will defeat Ted Cruz in the presidential election, Democrats will gain control of the Senate, Chinese growth drops below 5% as the country's banks "get in trouble", crude oil remains in the $30s, and global growth falls to 2% (he did correctly predict just one rate hike, and the continuation of the European refugee crisis), today

US Senators Vow To Defeat Putin This Year

President Vladimir Putin has been warned he is doomed to failure in Ukraine and that 2017 will be a year of aggression against Russia. War mongering US senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham told a crack team of marines in Ukraine that “2017 will be the year of offense” promising to defeat Putin on Eastern European battlefields. McCain warned “In 2017 we will defeat the invaders and send them back where they came from.
