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United States

Here We Go Again: Yet Another U.S. Spy Plane Brushes Russian Border

Here We Go Again: Yet Another U.S. Spy Plane Brushes Russian Border

Here we go again. After all of the incidents that have taken place over the last few months between the U.S. and Russia, capped by NATO moving 4,000 troops to the Russian border, one would assume that the antagonizing would stop, at least for the time being.

Then again, the U.S. will do whatever it pleases.

As Sputnik reports, yet another U.S. surveillance plane flew close to the Russian border earlier today, although as of right now it is not clear if it was again intercepted by a Russian flanker.

For The American Farmer "It's Death By A 1,000 Knives”- US Farmland Values Plunge Most In 30 Years

For The American Farmer "It's Death By A 1,000 Knives”- US Farmland Values Plunge Most In 30 Years

Not so long ago, US farmland - whose prices were until recently rising exponentially - was considered by many to be the next asset bubble. Then, exactly one year ago, the fairytale officially ended, and as reported in February, US farmland saw its first price drop since 1986. It was also about a year ago when looking ahead, very few bankers expected price appreciation and more than a quarter of survey respondents expect cropland values to continue declining.

They were right.
