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"We Should Be Concerned" - Stock Buybacks Plunge Most Since 2009

"We Should Be Concerned" - Stock Buybacks Plunge Most Since 2009

In recent days we have witnessed a massive outflow from virtually all holders of stocks. Just last week we reported that retail had just dumped the most stocks in the past 5 weeks since the August 2011 US downgrade...

... confirming a long-running trend observed with BofA smart money clients who, as we also reported last week, have sold stocks for 15 of the past 15 weeks, the longest selling stretch on record.

This has repeatedly prompted many to wonder who is buying.

Frenemies Of The Benedict Option

At Aleteia, John Burger wrote a really good piece about the Benedict Option and why it appeals to many Christians these days. He has examples: a Catholic one, an Evangelical one, and an individual one. The piece begins like this:

For the most part, Christians have had a happy — some would even say “privileged” — time of it in America, where Christianity and Christian churches were essentially left alone as they freely exercised their religion within society both privately and, up until recently, in partnership with the government.

The Mystery Of Saudi Treasury Holdings Solved: US Reveals Saudi Holdings For The First Time

The Mystery Of Saudi Treasury Holdings Solved: US Reveals Saudi Holdings For The First Time

In the aftermath of Saudi Arabia's explicit threat to sell off US Treasurys (of which according to the NYT it had some $750 billion) should the US pursue legislation that could hold it liable for the September 11 bombings, Wall Street's analysts quickly tried to calculate whether Saudi Arabia had anywhere remotely close to that amount of US paper available for liquidation.

Iran To Sue United States For 63 Years Of Sanctions

The Iranian parliament has given preliminary approval to a bill requiring the government to sue the US for the damage that the country suffered as a result of the hostile moves by the United States over the past 63 years. According to an IRNA news agency report, the Iranian parliament conducted a preliminary voting session in Tehran on Sunday Sputnik News reports: The bill calls on the government to take legal action against the US government in an international court.
