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CNN Caught Staging Fake News - Trots Out Anti-ISIS Muslims To Express Outrage After London Attacks

As one of the more inept tentacles of the deep state, CNN was just caught staging Fake News in the aftermath of the ISIS claimed London attacks which claimed 7 lives and injured 48.

While ISIS supporters are celebrating the attacks, MSM propagandists are hard at work pushing the "religion of peace" narrative - trotting out hijabbed women and a child to hold signs expressing Muslim outrage at the terrorist attacks.

The #Hashtags Aren't Working...

The #Hashtags Aren't Working...

Terror Attack takes place...


Once again, Twitter explodes...

Source: @polNewsForever

Perhaps there is a different way...


And perhaps this is worthwhile noting... (@JohnArnoldFndtn)

As world mourns the 7 dead & 48 injured in London terrorist attack, don't overlook 6 dead & 27 injured in Chicago gun violence this weekend.

#PrayForChicago? Or is that racist?

'State-Sponsor-Of-Terror' Iran Says London Attacks Are "Wake-Up Call" For West, Urges Funding Crackdown

'State-Sponsor-Of-Terror' Iran Says London Attacks Are "Wake-Up Call" For West, Urges Funding Crackdown

In what we are sure many will see as the most ironic headline of the day, Reuters reports Iran said on Sunday the London attacks were a "wake-up call" and urged Western states to go after ideological and financial sources of terrorism, state media reported, in a thinly veiled reference to Saudi Arabia.

Having been the center of attention during President Trump's recent trip:
