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Russia To Veto UN Resolution On Syria Over Chemical Weapons

Russia has vowed to veto a draft U.N. resolution calling for sanctions against Syria over its alleged use of chemical weapons on civilians. The UN Security Council resolution was drafted by the US, Britain and France. Following a closed-door council session, Russian Deputy U.N. Envoy Vladimir Safronkov told reporters: “I just explained our position very clearly to our partners.

Dick Cheney Guilty Of Poisoning One Thousand US Troops In Iraq

Dick Cheney deliberately allowed hundreds of U.S. soldiers to be poisoned in Iraq, according to stunning revelations made by a former Marine and Army sergeant.  According to Joseph Hickman, almost 1,000 soldiers and local civilians in Iraq were exposed to constant streams of toxic smoke from the practise of burning of waste in dangerous ‘burn pits’. Dick Cheney’s Halliburton empire operated around 250 burn pits, which contributed to Halliburton’s $40 billion dollar profit during the Iraq war.

US Forces Trying To Evacuate ISIS Commanders From Iraqi City

A commander for the Iraqi popular forces has claimed that US forces are trying to evacuate ISIS commanders from the of city Tal Afar near Mosul. The Iraqi military have reported that the US army is trying to transfer ISIS commanders that are trapped in regions besieged by the Iraqi army, to safe areas. Fars News Agency reports: Commander of Asa’eb al-Haq Movement affiliated to Iraqi popular forces of Hashd al-Shaabi said that the US forces have been trying hard to evacuate ISIL commanders from the besieged city of Tal Afar West of Mosul.

Arizona Law Lets Police Seize Protesters’ Assets

Arizona lawmakers have recently passed a bill that would make it difficult to hold organized demonstrations in the state. The bill, SB1142, lumps rioting in with racketeering and organized crime. People attending peaceful protests that turn violent could see their assets forfeited by law. Even if a person has not committed any violence, their mere presence at the protest is enough to be treated as an organized criminal, “guilty by association.” Racketeering charges will be leveled against organizers with police eying demonstrators as potential criminals.

Armed Man With A Knife Rams Car Into Pedestrians In Heidelberg; Attacker Shot By Police

Armed Man With A Knife Rams Car Into Pedestrians In Heidelberg; Attacker Shot By Police

In what may be the second vehicle-based terrorist attack in Germany in as many months, moments ago the German police reported that a man rammed his car into a pedestrian area in a central square in the city of Heidelberg, injuring three people - one seriously - then fled armed with a knife, and was subsequently shot after being tracked down by officers.

The incident occurred in Heidelberg’s central square at around 4PM local time when a car deliberately drove into a group of people standing in front of a local bakery, German media report.
