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French President Fires Back At Trump Over Paris Comments

One day after president Trump remarked in a speech at a conference that a friend thought
"Paris is no longer Paris" after attacks by Islamist militants, French President Francois Hollande fired back at Donald Trump on Saturday. During a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Friday, Trump repeated his criticism of Europe's handling of attacks by Islamist militants saying a friend "Jim" no longer wanted to take his family to Paris.

Trump Vows “Greatest Military Build-Up” Ever Against ISIS

President Donald Trump has vowed to conduct the “greatest military build-up in American history,” as part of his fight against ISIS.  In a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Friday, Trump told the audience that his promise to defeat ISIS was number one on his agenda. reports: Trump said the military buildup is necessary to fight against the Daesh (ISIL) terrorist group and because the US does not “win anymore” in wars. “We don’t win anymore. When was the last time we won? Did we win a war? Did we win anything? Do we win anything?” Trump asked.

Commander-In-Chief Orders CIA To Halt Support Of ISIS In Syria

President Donald Trump has ordered the CIA to halt all support for ISIS militants in Syria, in a show of solidarity to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The White House told the Central Intelligence Agency to halt arming groups associated with the Free Syrian Army (FSA) – a rebel group opposed to Assad that has strong ties with ISIL. reports: For several years, the CIA has provided training and other forms of assistance to rebel groups in Syria, such as the New Syrian Force, which operate under the umbrella of the FSA.

"We're Very Angry": Why Trump Wants To Expand America's Nuclear Arsenal

"We're Very Angry": Why Trump Wants To Expand America's Nuclear Arsenal

Shortly before the market close on Thursday, retailers stumbled on one single Reuters headline: Trump says he supports "some form" of border tax.

As Reuters elaborated, President Donald Trump on Thursday spoke favorably about an export-boosting border adjustment tax proposal being pushed by Republicans in the U.S. Congress, but did not specifically  endorse it. Trump had previously sent mixed signals on the proposal at the heart of a Republican plan to overhaul the U.S. tax code for the first time in more than 30 years.
